
Sunday, 20 June 2010

A Visit to the New Forest

A visit to Bolderwood, part of the New Forest, produced some marvellous sights and sounds. The forest is an amazing cathedral of trees that is home to many unique creatures. It is the main breeding ground of one of our lovliest migrants, the Common Redstart. What an amazing tail! What a song!

Friday, 18 June 2010

Binsted Holy Well

There is a mysterious and beautiful ancient holy well by the road in Upper Froyle. It is a magical place by the former ford.

Dreamscapes and Memories of Brownsea Island

Memories are fragile links with the past. Oystercatchers are one of my favourite memories.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Birds seen on a visit to Rutland Water in June

I was fortunate enough to visit Rutland water a few days ago and found it to be an amazing place full of bird song and rare species. The yelow wagtail, osprey and willow warbler were highlights but there is so much to see and hear at Rutland Water. I highly recommend it as a bird watcher's paradise.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Cirl bunting

Recently I went to the South Devon coast and there found the most beautiful little bird and one that is very rare indeed - the cirl bunting - Photographing them is not easy but I did get the chance to photograph a female and some of the other birds of the coast. I hope you like them.

Friday, 4 December 2009


Dartmoor is a haunted land. A visit there seems to take you to a different world with many new mysteries. It is a land of Tors and legends and fairies and pixies and immense beauty. Above all it is ancient with settlements dating back at least 7,000 years. Circles of standing stones remind us of a time when bears, wolves and giant lions roamed the landscape and humans battled both them and the elements to survive. In some places it is still possible to feel their presence and their mystery. Interestingly, 1500 years ago Dartmoor had a Mediterranean climate......what does that say about current global warming theories?

Wednesday, 14 October 2009